Viana do Castelo Weather & Historic Climate | Wandering Portugal

Viana do Castelo, Portugal weather and historic Climate for the Traveler.

Wandering Portugal  >  weather

Viana do Castelo, a “living museum” on the northwest coast of Portugal at the mouth of the Lima river, offers a fine climate beginning in the late spring and extending to fall. You should have beautiful weather for the festival season in Viana do Castelo, which begins in May with the Festival of Roses.

Viana do Castelo Average Temperatures

Viana do Castelo’s proximity to the sea and northerly location moderates the high temperatures here, making summers quite pleasant.

viana do castelo average temperatures
Viana do Castelo average temperatures graph

Viana do Castelo Precipitation Graph

Most of the rain that falls in Viana do Castelo comes in winter, beginning in September and carrying through until May. July and August are quite dry, as you can see from the precipitation graph.

viana do castelo rainfall
Viana do Castelo average rainfall graph

We hope this weather and historic climate information helps you plan a trip to Viana do Castelo, Portugal.

More Travel: Viana do Castelo Hotels (Recommended: Pousada de Viana do Castelo – Monte de Santa Luzia | Viana do Castelo Hostels

Categories Weather, Cities

Viana do Castelo Weather & Historic Climate originally appeared on , updated: Jun 07, 2021 © .