Rural Portugal and the Farmer's Life | Wandering Portugal

Interest is growing in the rural life and traditional agriculture. As America has been run out of real farmers by publicly traded industrial crap food corporations, tasty food has also left the building. The profit is in seeing how close these corporations can come to an industrially-modified animal-based tofu—the other white meat. Cheap and tasteless. Food you don’t say grace for, you ask forgiveness. Find out how Portugal is countering this notion…

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Interest is growing in the rural life and traditional agriculture. As America has been run out of real farmers by publicly traded industrial crap food corporations, tasty food has also left the building. The profit is in seeing how close these corporations can come to an industrially-modified animal-based tofu—the other white meat. Cheap and tasteless. Food you don’t say grace for, you ask forgiveness.

But there was a movement on to get some of the taste back by exploring the way the last remaining small farmers in Europe deal with food. Portugal has just announced a new program to link up interested individuals with traditional farmers.

And you got paid!

(But this experiment seems to be over, unfortunately)

Farmer’s Life Experience offers you the opportunity to turn your vacation into a working experience in portuguese farms. Once selected, you will be included in a multicultural team working within a host agricultural structure. You will be paid under a contract that you sign with the farmer. ~ Farmers Life Experience

According to Portugal’s office of Tourism, there have been “40 hosting farms and about 170 participants in the last months.”

How does it work?

Here’s how the office of Tourism describes the obligations of the participants:

We also connected with several farms that invite you to come spend a weekend: one of which is in the fields of Alentejo and the other one is located at the gates of Lisbon. You will be asked to help around the farm, but also to help with your room and board by milking goats to make your own cheese or learning how to bake the bread. What we want here is to allow you to get closer to this Portugal we love so much, and to show you the simple lifestyle that we so appreciate.

It sounds like an interesting program, especially if folks come back to the US with a decent notion of what making real food is all about.

Check out the Farmers Life Experience

Categories Rural Portugal, Travel Tips

Rural Portugal and the Farmer's Life originally appeared on , updated: Jul 18, 2018 © .